BEFORE you enter Thorn King Challenge please read forum too many players are frustrated and upset.

So even after reading how much the Thorn King sucks you decided to go ahead or if you are already there what to do....If you decide to finish understand that it will require a great deal of resources and/or rubies. There are basically two routes you can take to get to bridge then to main castle. One route is easier then other, CHECK tower defense before proceeding.

You are also going to need to build up camp to house and feed your troops. It is VERY important to have a decent amount of decorations to keep moral high. The higher the troop moral, the less troops you will lose. 

These dead soldiers are very strong. When you win, you get to keep the Thorn King's Knights which are a little stronger than the Traveling Knights and 300 rubies and some coins. At the very end, the leader comes out saying that he will be back....lets hope the system administrators are nicer when it comes to the sending of resources and cost of builidngs.

Dont say I didnt warn you.....

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