Blades Coast
At level 30 you can unlock the Blades Coast. A proud Queen asks for your assistance. Her home is being threatened by savage pirates. You have to spend a ton of resoruces to upgrade your "ship" so you can travel between islands attacking robber and winning back her castles.

Resources can be sent to the islands (at a high tax cost) or can be captured from a number of ship convoys.
You will need to provide your troops with tents and put up decorations to strengthen their morale!

As a reward for completing quests you will be given powerful units. All the remaining units and resources will be returned to your main castle at the end of the event. As a thank you for your victory, the Queen will award you a unique piece of equipment. 


Now for the truth, you can build seige tools, you have to BUY them with rubies! Its takes time to build the small tents (larger cost rubies but decrease public order less). You also have to build or buy decorations in order to keep moral high. When it gets low, you loose too many soldiers. By the time you finish most of those really "powerful" units are dead. The only consolation is the relic that awards insane bonus. Its much better than the trophies for Thorn King. Good luck!


Scroll down for some cool pictures and details on how to beat The Kraken!

Build your camp to support troops. Send resources from Empire or attack pirate convoys. Also build decoration to keep moral up. CANNOT make tools so have to buy.

Once you have defeated enough towers AND upgraded ship, The Kraken will appear. 

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